Safety gear – Made in EU


Safety gear – Made in EU


Varnostna oprema Izdelano za motoriste

Jasen pogled tudi v dežju!

Daljinski upravljalnik

Enota BIKERGUARD je opremljena z namenskim daljinskim upravljalnikom, ki se prilega krmilu vsakega motornega kolesa in ki ga lahko vedno dosežete s palcem, da vam ne bo treba umikati rok s krmila.

Izdelek je združljiv z večino vrst čelad

Izdelek BIKERGUARD lahko pritrdite na integralno čelado, polovično čelado, dvojno športno čelado in modularno čelado.

Prenesite predlogo in jo natisnite, če želite preveriti, ali se izdelek prilega tudi vaši čeladi.


v medijih


100 % varen nosilec za pritrditev

Čeprav pritrjevanje ali odstranjevanje enote BIKERGUARD traja le 1 sekundo, poseben varnostni mehanizem za pritrditev poskrbi, da ostane enota trdno pritrjena na vizir, tudi pri visokih hitrostih.

Robustna zasnova

IPX-6 (vodoodporno)

Za razliko od nekaterih poceni ponaredkov, ki so na voljo na trgu, sta enota BIKERGUARD in namenski daljinski upravljalnik 100 % vodoodporna. Vsako enoto pred odpremo temeljito preizkusimo.


Brezkrtačni motor

V notranjosti se skriva najmanjši brezkrtačni motor, izdelan na Japonskem – industrijske kakovosti. Motor, ki ga uporabljamo, je pravi inženirski čudež.

Baterija, ki jo je mogoče napolniti

Enoto BIKERGUARD napaja baterija 1400 mAh, ki jo je mogoče napolniti in ki zagotavlja od 5 d 15 ur neprekinjenega delovanja. Napolnite jo lahko z namenskim magnetnim kablom USB prek katerega koli polnilnika USB.

3 leta garancije

BIKERGUARD je vrhunski izdelek, zasnovan posebej za motoriste, zato so uporabljene le najkakovostnejše komponente. Ker smo prepričani v njegovo kakovost, nudimo 2-letno garancijo za glavno enoto in daljinski upravljalnik. (*) Z brezplačno registracijo na naši spletni strani se garancija podaljša na 3 leta.



Izdelano za motoriste

Komplet BIKERGUARD (glavna enota, daljinski upravljalnik, magnetni kabel za polnjenje, škatla za shranjevanje, folija proti zameglitvi, orodja itd.)

Specifikacije izdelka BIKERGUARD

  • Komunikacijski protokol: lastniški brezžični protokol pri 2,4 GHz
  • Indikator stanja: LED-lučke RGB
  • Material: polikarbonat
  • Barva/zaključni premaz površine: imitacija ogljikovih vlaken
  • Dimenzije: 44 mm x 39 mm x 57 mm
  • Teža: 80 g
  • Ocena IPX: IPX-6 (vodoodporno)
  • Vrsta motorja: brezkrtačni servo motor industrijske kakovosti
  • Baterija: litij-ionska baterija z zmogljivostjo 1400 mAh
  • Polnjenje: prek magnetnega kabla USB

Specifikacije daljinskega upravljalnika

  • Dimenzije: 27 mm x 37 mm x 23 mm
  • Teža: 25 g
  • Ocena IPX: IPX-6 (vodoodporno)
  • Komunikacijski protokol: lastniški brezžični protokol pri 2,4 GHz
  • Baterija: CR2032, zamenljiva
  • Indikator stanja baterije: LED-lučka RGB
  • Dimenzije: 27 mm x 37 mm x 23 mm
  • Teža: 25 g
  • Ocena IPX: IPX-6 (vodoodporno)


Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

The BIKERGUARD underwent rigorous testing in real-world conditions, including extreme scenarios. We even dispatched a few samples to the Aprilia racing team in Italy (Slovenia is a neighboring country of Italy), who raced with the BIKERGUARD attached. The initial feedback was exceedingly positive, and we diligently considered their suggestions for enhancement. Additionally, the Piaggio group tested two samples. Currently, the Hungarian police are in the process of evaluating BIKERGUARD for potential integration into their motorcycle fleet, as are the Slovenian and German police forces. Their constant presence on the roads, regardless of weather conditions, underscores the importance of our product. We’ll soon share some photos. Lastly, BIKERGUARD underwent thorough examination by the certification authority company SIQ.

Yes it is possible to lift the visor, while BIKERGUARD is attached. In fact you should only attach it when you need it – in the rain.

Please check out this video:

We are the original/first inventor of a mini wiper that fits directly on helmet visor, but soon after our Kickstarter campaign ended, several low-quality copies have emerged. They don’t work and are not even waterproof. BIKERGUARD is the only functioning helmet visor wiper in the world and it can not be compared to similar looking but low-quality products. For comparison – the cost of our brushless motor itself, exceeds the retail price of those (complete) low-quality wipers from AliExpress. Wipers from AliExpress use cheap $3 brushed servo motors, while we use brushless motors. Plus, BIKERGUARD comes with a dedicated remote controller. Please read our story here.

Sprays and coatings are ok but not perfect. For example, they are not efficient if you move slowly (places where the city speed limit is 30-40 mph), or in the mist if you are riding behind a car (very small water drops)… If sprays were perfect then at least super sport cars such as Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini would not use wipers. For now, good old physics (wipers) works best.

Yes. We designed the software and the firmware in that direction in order to have the same functions on both buttons if you run the wiper unit with or without the remote button unit. If you lose the remote control button, you can always order a new remote unit and simply pair it with a simple procedure. Only one remote can be paired with a wiper unit at a time. The battery in the remote button can be easily changed too.

The wiper blade is designed to keep your visor clean in rainy conditions – just like wipers on your car. So, it does not effectively clean bugs from you helmet visor. In fact, for optimal performance your visor should be clean (without bug remains) before usage.

Yes, it does. Pinlock pins are not in the way. If you are not using pinlock foil, and we are sure you know there is a fogging effect on the inner visor surface, we attached a free antifog foil which you can use to avoid the fogging of your visor when riding in rain or wet conditions. (it’s a free gift from us and with it you can be sure you will have best view on the road)

Just like your car wiper blades wear out, so does our wiper blade. And when that happens you can easily change it. Spare parts are available in our ONLINE SHOP in 3-piece packages.

You can switch the BIKERGUARD between your helmets. You only need to prepare each helmet visor for the use of our product. There is a tiny plastic part – a linear guide which must be permanently fixed to the helmet visor. It can be fixed using 2 tiny screws. In the package you bought we attached a second free of charge visor mount with additional screws.

The BIKERGUARD product you bought comes with a 3-year nominal warranty.

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